Màn Hình Cảm Ứng Lcd Toàn Bộ Cho Samsung Galaxy J3 / J320H / J3 2016 +

₫ 549.000

Sản phẩm Màn Hình Cảm Ứng Lcd Toàn Bộ Cho Samsung Galaxy J3 / J320H / J3 2016 + đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

Please understand the quality of the product well before buying

(Buy = agree)

Product green
Original x-sparepart oem
(Quality original equipment manufacturing)
X-products of some quality (according to description)
X - stock availability can be asked via chat or diskussion
X-products that have a mandatory color are written in caption
X-qc (quality check) is limited to physical rather than function,
Because it is not possible to buy all cell phone machines for qc function
X-pack please to the expert / engineer

- - mandatory--
X to avoid debating all packages that get to buyer must do video unboxing
To know clearly what the received item is (complete or lacking)
(If there is no video unboxing = do not serve complaint)

X we make sure cross check physical orderan before hacking

(Counted from items expressed by the exposition)

- the goods that have been bought cannot be exchanged / returned for any reason

Tests don 't have to break plastic and seal for any reason.

- the condition of the goods must be intact as we once sent.

- send a return for 2.
(Paid from their places

- the damage done to the expedition is not the responsibility of the seller.

To get our latest price & product up

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