LANEIGE (Hàng Mới Về) Mặt Nạ Ngủ Mini 15ml /Radian-C 7ml 3g

48.381 ₫ 29.600

Sản phẩm LANEIGE (Hàng Mới Về) Mặt Nạ Ngủ Mini 15ml /Radian-C 7ml 3g đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, Vừa được giảm giá từ 48.381 xuống còn ₫ 29.600, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,36 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

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🌼Product Name: [LANEIGE] Mini Collection❤️ (Water Sleeping Mask, Radian-C Cream,Lip Sleeping Mask,Cream Skin Refiner)

🌼Brand: Laneige
🌼Manufacturer: Amore Pacific
🌼Country of manufacture: Korea
🌼Valid period: within 36 months from the date of manufacture, within 12 months after opening

💖[1] Water Sleeping Mask 15ml
✔Product Information
Keep your skin fresh with a soft gel-type moist feeling of moisture.
Sleep-tox ™) is a concentrated moisture sleeping mask that makes your morning skin feel clear and clear, vital skin while sleeping.
Instant skin cooling and soothing effect when used on days when skin temperature rises.

Apply on the last step of skin care 2-3 times a week
The next morning, you can feel the soft skin texture.
**If your skin is dry, you can apply it by layering 2-3 times.

Instant skin cooling and soothing effect when used on days when skin temperature rises.
It is more effective if you use it after refrige rating.

💖[2] Radian-C Cream 7ml 1+1
✔Product Information
Hypoallergenic, moisturizing vitamin cream with powerful Radian-C Super BlendTM that removes visible and fine blemishes

~ Goodbye blemishes! Goodbye red flag! Goodbye stimulation! ~

Skin blemishes care
Protects skin from infrared or visible light (including blue light)

-Basic usage: Take an appropriate amount in the morning and evening cream stages, apply lightly from the inside out in the order of cheeks, forehead, nose, mouth, and neck, then press lightly for absorption.

💖[3] Lip Sleeping Mask 3g
✔Product Information
It is a lip night care product that creates the best lip condition before lip makeup the day after waking up.
During 8 hours of sleep, the skin absorbs the ingredients densely.
Vitamin C and antioxidants, berry extract
Laneige's patented moisture technology
Hydro-ion mineral water
High density beta glucan moisture film
Sweet and refreshing scent: berry scent

Step 1. Apply a thick layer on the lips before going to bed.
step 2. Gently wipe with a cotton pad the next morning.

💖[4] Cream Skin Refiner 15ml
✔Product Information
It's a Laneige skincare product that melts a whole bottle of moisturizing cream and moisturizes dry skin with toner as if applying lotion.
It's an excellent oil and moisture balance that permeates the skin with a light feeling without stickiness.

#01.Take an appropriate amount from your hands during the skincare steps and pat it on the inside of your skin to absorb it.
#02. Wet the cream skin with a cotton pad and use it as a moisturizing skin pack. 2 minutes
#03. Put cream skin in an empty bottle and use it as a

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