Giày Casual Học Sinh Trắng Cute 2017

505.400 ₫ 431.400

Sản phẩm Giày Casual Học Sinh Trắng Cute 2017 đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, Vừa được giảm giá từ 505.400 xuống còn ₫ 431.400, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

For loveu. Tw call

The new customer can look at our store

How to use shopping money: Contact loveu. Tw

Size reference: If you have any questions, please consult your guest service. Customer service for you
【32 21cm us3.5】 【33 21.5cm us4.0】

【34 22cm us4.5】 【35 22.5cm us5.0】

【36 23cm us5.5】 【37 23.5cm us6.0】

【38 24cm us6.5】 【39 24.5cm us7.0】

【40 25cm us7.5】 【41 25.5cm us8.0】

【42 26cm us8.5】 【43 26.5cm us9.0】

【44 27cm us9.5】 【45 27.5cm us10】

【46 28cm us10.5】 【47 28.5cm us11】

【48 29cm us11.5】 【49 29.5cm us12】

X this sale is all new physical filming, 10, 100%

Notes for the following order:

1. Because of the volume limitation of the package, 3-more (Includes 3 pairs) Please separate tenders, thank you

2. Order time, please note the color size

::intentional purchase or any problems, welcome to contact

If you have any questions, please consult your guest service. 24h service online.

X all goods purchased overseas, the quality of the goods will be strictly checked, due to the special nature of the clean-up, perfectionists would like to spend more money on the counter to buy yo.

::shoes will be checked before shipment, however, it is possible to collide with the transport process、 small frictions, etc., produce small dirty, please cover more. Perfectionism、 please don 't bid if you ask questions, thank you.

- once the parcel is sent out, it won 't come back if we don' t want it, we 'll lose it directly
Lost, the pressure is great, excuse me ^

Finally, i hope that you will have a pleasant deal, like the goods and remember to give me 5 stars to praise and encourage

Notes for buyers:
Goods sent out without receipt, in accordance with act 184 of the civil code:

For wilful or negligent infringement of the rights and interests of others and liability for damages has been intentionally and deliberately used in good customs

The method of harming others is also informed, the court was asked to take the sentence to punish the stubbornness.

10. The sale is thinly profitable, please do not abandon the bill, malicious abandonment will affect a person 's credit record, please read the above rules carefully before placing the order. Thank you for your coopera

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