Thẻ Nhớ Samsung 4gb Ori 99% (guaranteed) - Micro Sd Samsung 4gb - Mmc Samsung 4gb

₫ 71.300

Sản phẩm Thẻ Nhớ Samsung 4gb Ori 99% (guaranteed) - Micro Sd Samsung 4gb - Mmc Samsung 4gb đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

= = > important before order...!!
Look at the pictures, the evidence of the products we sell is guaranteed to be detected.
Still believe in seller who can 't give you proof...
Look out...! Cheap hrg but unreadable / detected...!!!

Gan warranty... If the fd doesn 't stick to the phone...!

Ready... Ask stock = waste of time...!!!
- class 10.
- can be used for all cell phones, tabs, music players.
- external storage media.
Up to 48mb / s.
- write speed: Up to 32mb / s
- no more driver / software.
- practically everywhere.

= = > product ori 99% = kw super = fake = no real (buy real if you want real capacity)
= = > warranty has been 3hr since the goods received
= = > warranty applies if memory is not readable / detected by the cell phone, beyond that it does not belong to the warranty category.
= = > the return of the item must be complete following the packaging is not broken, the brg physical is not defective, does not change color, etc.
= = > model & color sent according to stock if the request is not available

1. Mandatory recording "video unboxing";
2. Compulsory video recording on physical goods as a whole, The goal is to make sure the complements are true. It belongs to the seller, because in physical goods there is a seal, or code
Certain numbers and letters as identities of the owner of the item
(Goods salesman);
3. Compulsory video recording at the time the item is tested;
4.At the time of return / return for compulsory supplies
Intact and undamaged (like: Peking, etc.) as at the time
Goods received;
5. The complexin does not apply when damaged by shipments, and
Buyer mistake;
6. Buyers are obliged to comply with the rules;
7. I 'm sorry... If you don' t agree to this rule
We 'd better not order. We never insist. You 're shopping at our s

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