Tai Nghe Bluetooth Voyager Legend Plantronics V9 2

₫ 469.000

Sản phẩm Tai Nghe Bluetooth Voyager Legend Plantronics V9 2 đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

Voyager 2 bluetooth headset stereo voyager legend plantronics v9 with handsfree

There are 2 voyager models we sell y kak / sis.^
- voyager plantronics (version 1) there is a mic rod
- voyager v9 (version 2) no mic.

Only in the_one store sell complete products with packaging voyager & good quality goods, guaranteed!!!!!

V.l. Box, bluetooth headset, 2x earbut, 1x charging cable.

Voice command (say "yes" to answer call and "no" to reject call)
Voice info (mention incoming call number)
A2dp (to listen to music)
On / off button volume next (for music player) answer / no
Led indicator
Talking time: Up to 6hrs
Standby time: Up to 300 hrs
Charging time: Up to 1.5hrs

Cool stuff doesn 't have to be expensive! Stock hunting is very limited!!!!

N.b.: Every purchase we try first, to make sure the unit goes well.

Cultivate reading before buying:
X) color & size selection only through the "information / note" column during the order, not through chat & diskussion.
*) It is mandatory to document when opening a video package in case anything is inappropriate / damaged / defective as a condition of return in our store
X) if you decide to buy then we assume you agree with the above rules
X) do not accept any return & complaint
Voyager 2 bluetooth headset stereo voyager legend plantronics v9 with handsfree

Xnb: Please confirm or add advice when the item is reached by the customer. Happy shopping! (^_^)
Voyager 2 bluetooth headset stereo voyager legend plantronics v9 with hand

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