Set 4 Hộp Đựng Gia Vị Cà Phê / Đường / Muối / Đường Ớt / Nước Chấm Bằng Pha Lê 055

₫ 362.000

Sản phẩm Set 4 Hộp Đựng Gia Vị Cà Phê / Đường / Muối / Đường Ớt / Nước Chấm Bằng Pha Lê 055 đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

Shiny electro.

The set of seasoning stations with clear design of transparent food grade ingredients.
A set consists of 4 seasoning boxes and 1 long container for seasoning boxes.
Each seasoning box has a lid and a seasoning spoon.
It can be removed from the container, making it easy to pick up any type of seasoning needed during cooking.

The design is easy to distinguish from the type of seasoning.

There is a non-slip rubber layer on the side of the seasoning box.

Full size: 25.8x9 x 7.2cm
Size: 8x6 x 7cm 1 box

No complaint / return yes, because we did quality check before it was sent

- make sure the stocks are still there by always asking us about the stocks.
- give me as detailed information as possible for things that have variations., For example: Size, Color, Model, Dll. In order to avoid misdirecting / to avoid being sent randomly.
- shop operational hours at 8: 00 wib s / d at 16: 00 wib. Outside the clock please be patient for the response that feels not as fast as on operational hours.
- no shipments on sundays and other national holidays, we also need a holiday:
- input rishi h + 1 and please be patient.
- thank you for reading and understanding, have a good time shopping.

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