Quần Yếm Hình Chú Ếch Cho Bé (6 Tháng - 3 Tuổi)

₫ 542.000

Sản phẩm Quần Yếm Hình Chú Ếch Cho Bé (6 Tháng - 3 Tuổi) đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

(Sale ym 13ja 9 b2l) (6bln-3thn) cod baby overall top / frog suit - bottle pattern jl02 ☃

💕Welcome to cherry.id.💕

✔️ We provide all the baby and child supplies from clothes, suits, toys, pajamas, etc.
✔️ Our product material is guaranteed safe for babies and children
✔️ Our product is taken directly from the official distributor.
✔️ Product quality 100% ori
❗❗❗Shoes and other decorations are not for sale

📏Size details of clothes and pants:
(1) 6-12 months
👉 35cm long clothes
👉 Chest circle 25cm
👉 26.5cm trousers pants

(2) 1-2 years old
👉 37cm long clothes
👉 Chest circle 27cm
👉 Trousers: 27.5cm

(3) 2-3 years
👉 39cm long clothes
👉 Chest circle: 27.5cm
👉 Trousers: 28.5cm
❗❗❗ For size there may be a difference in size. Please allow the buyer to understand

1. Yellow bottle
2.White bottle

Important note / please read:
- > to know the availability of goods, please click on the variation column. If clicking means ready, if you can 't click it means empty.
- > please beorder according to the product variant available. Because our order is processed according to the selected variation
- > no rishi will be installled automatically 1 day after delivery / the next day (h + 1)


1. It is important for buyers to understand and understand the title and description of the product first before clicking on the buy.
2. If there 's anything less understandable buyers can contact our cs
3. For the courier at our store, he only wears jne.
4. For delivery using delivery services other than jne, such as wanting to use gosend, go jek etc. Buyers can ask our cs, we 'll be ready to help the best for delivery of the buyer' s order goods as the buyer wishes.
5. We 've made sure the new stuff works on purpose and no flaws whatsoever.
6. If there is any damage to the shipment it is not our responsibility because when it is delivered we cannot monitor it anymore, but we will try to secure the delivery until the buyer 's hands.
7. After clicking on the buy we assume the buyer understands and understands what we 've explained above, click on the buy = agree

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > > customer satisfaction is our primary goal < < < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > > > > > thank you for your visit < < < < < ~ ~

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