Nhãn Dán Tên Chống Thấm Nước In Hình Công Chúa Elsa / Anna Xinh Xắn

₫ 88.500

Sản phẩm Nhãn Dán Tên Chống Thấm Nước In Hình Công Chúa Elsa / Anna Xinh Xắn đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

Waterproof name label
1. Size l (46x18mm) 38pcs
2. Size m (30x13mm) 66pcs
It can be attached anywhere, such as writing tools, books, food / drink etc. It 's washable too.

L labels can be printed 1-4 rows.
The m label can be printed 1-2 lines.
Keep in mind, the more lines, the smaller the writing will be.

If there is a special request with a line, please write it clearly in the information column.
If there 's nothing, we' ll print orders according to our standards.
Please don 't complain.
For example:
Line 1: James morgan wen (font monotype corsiva)
Line 2: P5 sophie (font comic sans)

If there is a specific font / type of letter request, please write in the information column clearly.

All the writing will be copied paste, therefore:
Write down With Letter Capital In Start Tribe Word Just Or Type in With Using Letter Great All If Indeed Wanting Printed With Letter Great All, To avoid printing errors and ordering can be processed immediately.
Please don 't type it with all lowercase letters, because then the print results will be the same, unless you want all lowercase letters.
Because we want to give the best to all customers.

If there 's no special request for fonts or fonts that are in us, we' re not available., We 'll automatically use standard fonts like comic sans, Christian itc, Arial etc.
It is recommended to select fonts from the available font list.

For wholesale prices, it may choose a variety of different characters, such as:
1. I am transparent
Line 1: Lily goddess rassie
Line 2:

2. I cars
Line 1: Jones h.w.
Line 2: P3 diana

3. Paw patrol i
Line 1: Jacques (larger font sf slapstick shaded)
Line 2: Kenzie wen (font ar cena)

4. M transformers
David wen.

5. M little pony.
Jessie a.r.

Please write in the message column, not chat, so that the order doesn 't change with anyone else.

For those who want red or blue prints, there 's an additional 5,000 per set.
Please add additional links. Otherwise, it 'll be black.

Happy to serve you and have a good time shopping!

#Labels #Name label #Stickers #Name stick #Affluent stickers #Funny stickers #Waterproof stickers #Label sticker #Label name sticker #Affluent stickers #Namewaterproof #Stickers #Sticker book #Label of ranks #Labeling children #Labelnameurah #Name label #School s

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