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Nourish acneplast girl

Acne is the blocking of the gland on the
Skin by remnants of make up, dirt, dead skin cells
Accompanied by infection and marked inflammation
The emergence of reddish and festering twists
Acne prevention tips
Wash your face after activity
Avoid stress
Avoid eating fast food and greasy
Presently, nourish acne plast with korean
Effective technology disguises acne
Nourish beauty care acne plast is
Porous hydrocolloid acne cover
Disguise it at once with
How to absorb acne fluid. With that material
Dew, thin, and also transparent, nourish acne plast
Fused with the skin color so that it is invisible
When used. Besides the nourish beauty care acne
Plastic can also be used before makeup use.

Nbc acne plast advantage

Nourish acneplast girl
Nbc acne plast advantage
Transparent plastic acne color makes no
Visible / fused when used
Disguise acne
Minimize acne marks
Waterproof and breathable
Minimize acne wounds
Protecting acne from contamination by
How to use nourish acne plast
Wash face first with nbc acne facial
- foam. Dry
Use acne plast on the maintenance part
Both in the face, back, and chest
Release it after the acne fluid is absorbed by
Nbc acneplast has changed color to

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