(Hàng Mới Về) Kem Chống Thấm Nước Segi A2B Chất Liệu Cotton Cao Cấp

112.900 ₫ 89.400

Sản phẩm (Hàng Mới Về) Kem Chống Thấm Nước Segi A2B Chất Liệu Cotton Cao Cấp đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, Vừa được giảm giá từ 112.900 xuống còn ₫ 89.400, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

Please pay attention brother 😊😊
> ready stock = clickable item
> empty items = cannot be clicked because it is still a factory production process
> please don 't just take the color but ask for another color. We sent it to the color chosen on the system, not in the note / message.
> We Recommend Drpd Spend Time Waiting Answers Dr. Admin Unt Questions Ready Her Lbh Okay Lgsg Click Variant Which Ordered Then Finish Checkout. So that Km Bs Booked Yes Sis ☺.
> same day delivery for order before 2 pm, on saturday max order at 12 pm
> red date no delivery
> color / pattern similarity to the original 80-95%, depending on hp resolution and light factor
> when the selected color is exhausted, We 'll confirm via chat, If there 's no reply in 1x24 hours we' ll change the color to the one., Except to write: Options expired = cancer
> admin chating monday-sabtu 8-4sore working hours. Red admin chating is a holiday. We 're online outside the clock., Not that dr. Admin chat ya, But from another division that 's doing product maintenance.
> the product is already through factory quality control, the react rate is less than 1%
> the product we sell is 100% original ansania, The stock we sell in shopee is limited please chat us up for the wholesale order because buy a bigger party cheaper

Hijab saudia lasercut waterproof & bacteria is the pioneer and best seller hijab saudia in indonesia:
X the cotton voil material is comfortable and adem when used.
X saudiah 's veil does not foresee
X not slippery
X the material is not rigid so it is easily molded
X stand on the forehead
X it 's not easy blisters
X water resistant with watter repellent technology is hydrophobic. The water will remain dry even if it is exposed to water splatter.
X antibacterial with technology that uses silver plus and titanic substances. So that Cain Will Stay Fresh And No Stink If Rarely In Wash it. Because His technology No Creating Bacteria Developing Although Saved In Time
The old one
X the apnequ anti - odor because the material absorbs sweat (it will not grow mushrooms) and kills bacteria that cause body odor. It is used for daily activities.
X it is rare to be washed and is often kept longer, and hijab will remain fresh, fresh, healthy and hygienic.
X there are 53 colors of choice that can be adjusted to your wishes
X who 's been trying to agree, who doesn' t have to have to add a solid hijab collection.
X for another color can search our store with the keyword "saudia a2b"

110cm x 110cm
High quality cotton voil
Border design lasercut
100g 1 kg = 13pcs weight of product

- we 're always trying to make a good price and service.
- we appreciate the buyer who gives the star 5.
- if anyone doesn 't get it, chat admin will do.

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