Giấy Dán Tường 3d Trang Trí Nhà Cửa Phong Cách Hàn Quốc

₫ 238.600

Sản phẩm Giấy Dán Tường 3d Trang Trí Nhà Cửa Phong Cách Hàn Quốc đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam


Must read until it is finished!!!!

X complaining must include video unboxing evidence from the first open package, No video unboxing we will not accept the complaint!!!!

Please add bubble wrap to keep the goods safe and not dent

Size: 45 cm x ± 10 meters

1 roll could cover the area about 4.5m square

The textured vinyl (pvc) wallpaper sticker. It is not easy to rip, waterproof, strong, and durable.
There 's already some glue so just stick it on.

- do it yourself... Can installl it on your own without having to help the expert.
- it can be installled on all media with a flat surface. For example: Cabinet, refrigerator, glass, etc
- practical and economical because it doesn 't need glue anymore.

- measure the area to attach.
- surface wipes so it 's free of dust.
- scissors to the surface.
- take off the adhesive cover paper.
- put the wallpaper on the wall.
- stick it and flatten it with a lap while removing the rest of the adhesive cover.

How to measure wallpaper needs
For example, the wall width is 3 m, 3 m tall.
Area: 3x3 = 9 square meters.
1 roll fits 4.5 m2,
So - 9 is divided by 4.5 = 2roll.
Buy 2 rolls is enough for 1 surface wall.

Wish to read:
- please ask stock before buying or being sent randomly.

"Buying this product is the same as agreeing to the above conditions and conditions."

Pay attention, please.
- we 've ordered qc both quantity and quality, (Give an alternate color note, If it 's empty we' ll notify it through chat features and we 'll wait for a 1x24-hour response, No chat response. Then we 'll change color to a color similar to random.)
- damage / loss of package in delivery beyond our responsibility (can claim directly to the chosen courier party)
- wait for the next order invite friends and family yes!
- thank you.

~ ~ > > > customer satisfaction is our primary goal < < < ~ ~
~ ~ > > > > > thank you for your visit < < < < <

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