Đầm Gamis 2021 Gamis Analia Maxy K Ke358 Phong Cách Hiện Đại Cho Phụ Nữ Hồi Giáo

₫ 514.300

Sản phẩm Đầm Gamis 2021 Gamis Analia Maxy K Ke358 Phong Cách Hiện Đại Cho Phụ Nữ Hồi Giáo đang được mở bán với mức giá siêu tốt khi mua online, giao hàng online trên toàn quốc với chi phí tiết kiệm nhất,0 đã được bán ra kể từ lúc chào bán lần cuối cùng.Trên đây là số liệu về sản phẩm chúng tôi thống kê và gửi đến bạn, hi vọng với những gợi ý ở trên giúp bạn mua sắm tốt hơn tại Pricespy Việt Nam

Muslim women dress|Gamistoyobopoloscokelat|Smlxl-m

Hello sis / gan!!!

Welcome to our store:)
Modern gamis became the first choice for a special moment. A variety of new female gamis models can give rise to an elegant, charming and elegant impression when worn.
Muslim dress is also designed in such a way that it gives rise to fashionable impressions. To have a beautiful look.
There are many different types of clothing that are good quality. You can also hunt clothes at affordable prices but the quality is equivalent to imported clothes.
Before the checkout and payment, cross check again yes kak for details of his order, including his order and address details. So that there is no mistake and speed up the delivery of the order

Original product
Women 's clothing is simple and beautiful.

- toyobo material.
- front button.
- comfortable stuff.
- not clairvoyant.

- we 're referring to the outside size (international) please adjust.

Size m
- chest circle: 98 cm
- 138cm long dress
- 58cm long arm
48cm arm ring

Size l
- chest circle: 104 cm
- 140cm long dress
- 58cm long arm
- arm ring 50cm

Xl size
- chest circle: 110cm
- 140cm long dress
- 58cm long arm
52cm arm ring

The picture above is a realpict.

We from the tazkia hijab store do not open another branch on the platform. Please beware of the party in the name of the tazkia hijab store that lists wa dsb numbers., we are not responsible for fraud outside the official shop tazkia hijab store.

!! Please read the description, if you don 't understand it!
Please check the order according to his favorite, don 't forget to ask the goods for availability.
If there is no information in the purchase note format we choose (random)

Have a good time shopping in our shop....

#Gamis #Gamistermurah #Gamis2021 #women's gamis #New gamister #Gamisterbaru2035

New 2021 gamis analyia maxy k 358 muslim dress new modern gamis gamis gamis |

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